sábado, abril 12, 2008

Something about a windy friday

Why it holds my sleep away this wind in friday, I do not know.
As I walk home with some daylight still and "still" I can see some clouds gathering aside.
And so the wind blew sad thoughts away? for a little while.
Yet I wait in solitude, with electronic tango as the musical arrangements for this play.
And reflect about more than one thing: steps forward in my life, perhaps crazy dreams, some probably more possible than others and I plan.
Someplans will endure, some will not but nevertheless triying will get me exactly where I want.

Ahg, insomnia, waiting, warte ich fur...time to go Mérida soon, back to where it all started a helpful frase, only for a shortbreak, yet a smooth break, yet a battery-charging break.

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